Love, Joy, Peace...


Oct 23rd - Wednesday
Noon - Holy Eucharist with Healing Service
3:15 - 4:15 pm Children's Choir Practice

5:00 - 6:00 pm Choir Practice

Oct 24th - Thursday
7:00 am Men's Fellowship Group
4:00 pm Women's bible Study

Oct 27th - Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
7:30 am Holy Eucharist
9:00 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am Adult Formation
10:00 am Holy Eucharist

Oct 30th - Wednesday
10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study
Noon - Holy Eucharist with Healing Service
3:15 - 4:15 pm Children's Choir Practice
5:00 - 6:00 pm Choir Practice

Oct 31st - Thursday
4 pm Women's Bible Study Cancelled today

Nov 2nd - Saturday
Clay Shoot at Santa Rosa Shooting Center


The Sunday 10:00 am service is generally available online via the St. Paul's site on Facebook. To find our Facebook page and view the service, search on Facebook for Saint Paul's Episcopal Church Foley.

Wednesday Bible Study Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 3528 1026  Passcode: 860201

EMI request this week: Jelly, baking mixes, pasta, green beans, saltine crackers & cat food

Sporting Clay Shoot workers needed, see sign-up sheets in the parish hall.

Because of calendar conflicts we will not be able to offer our annual 
All Souls’ Requiem service for remembering departed loved ones on November 2nd. We will instead add their commemoration to the liturgy of All Saints’ Sunday, November 3rd. Please send the name of those whom you wish to have included in the prayers to Pastor Brent (

On Wednesday, November 13th there will be a First Responders' Lunch in the Parish Hall. Volunteers are needed to serve and set up that day. Contact Trixie Foley for more information.

The Annual Meeting of St. Paull's Parish will be Sunday, November 17th at 9:00 am. All are encouraged to attend.

Saint Paul's own Blessing Box needs to be filled! This box can have toiletries and nonperishable items such as cereal, snack food, baby food, Pop-Tarts and canned vegetables and fruit. A bin is in the Parish Hall and the office for donated items or place them in the Blessing Box in front of the office.

The Clay Shoot will be on Nov 2 at the Santa Rosa Shooting Center. There are forms available for sponsorships in the Parish Hall & the church office. There are a variety of sponsorship levels and volunteer opportunities available. Please contact Howard Krauss 251 454-4214, Brian Lehmann 251 752-2262 or Kenneth Maidment 251 923-8304.

For those wanting more information on events with the Diocese who have not received the August issue of Coastline, you can access it at PUBLICATION ARCHIVES | Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast ( and also register to have it sent to your inbox each month.